フランネル素材のスーツをモダンにスタイリングする/ Modern flannel suit styling

今日は「フランネル素材のスーツをモダンにスタイリングする」と言うテーマを掲げて、「Style Book」コンテンツのドレス編の記事をお送りしたいと思います。

Today, I would like to write an article with the theme of “Modern flannel suit styling”. And in this article, I consider about the way of modern styling of flannel suit.


・TPOと装い/Situation and Attire


I’ll introduce the attire of late November. On that day, Tokyo was sunny from the morning and the highest temperature was around 15 degrees, which was a relatively warm day for this time.



In such a situation, I had no plans to meet anyone outside of the company on that day, only an internal meeting. Therefore, I decided to enjoy the seasonal styling with the theme of modern style with using casual suit.



I selected a flannel suit with gray base color. This suit has a white windowpane pattern, and a saxophone-colored shadow-stripe shirt and a charcoal gray-colored hound’s tooth pattern cashmere x wool tie are combined. In consideration of the warm temperature, I did not wear knits or other layers.



And I chose black color semi-brogue shoes for my feet.


・あとがき/ Consideration


The material of the suit I selected this time is flannel. Flannel is a woolen material that is soft, fluffy, and has high heat retention, as can be seen from the fabric.



And such a woolen material is casual material in the world of gentlemen’s dress fashion. There is also a history that flannel was originally created as a material for women, but unlike modern and stylish, it is a material that has a gentle, soft image. The point of this attire was how to make a modern or stylish style, reflecting the current my feeling, even if using flannel.



One of the most influential factors in shaping an impression in attire is color. That’s because colors are easier to understand visually than patterns, materials, and styles.



And when expressing modernity and stylishness in color, I find black to be easy to understand. Therefore, this time, in the V zone where people’s eyes is easy to gather, I wear a charcoal gray tie and select black shoes for my feet.



In addition, I aimed to enhance the modern image by using an elegant glossy shadow stripe pattern shirt that is easy to create a stylish image.



In this case, the flannel suit with a soft and gentle image is combined with black color items to create a modern impression, but this idea can be applied to other materials. For example, even if a tweed has a strong image of country, you can create a modern or stylish style by combination colors that feel modern.



Please feel the pleasure of styling your attire with the intended atmosphere, by controlling the image of the materials and colors.
