今日は「カジュアルカラーのネクタイの使い方」と言うテーマを掲げて、「Style Book」コンテンツのドレス編の記事をお送りしたいと思います。
Today, I would like to write an article with the theme of “How to use a casual color tie” And in this article, I consider about the way to use a casual color tie beautifully.
・TPOと装い/Situation and Attire
I’ll introduce the attire of early March 2020. Although it was sunny on this day, the maximum temperature was about 13 degrees Celsius, which was a bit chilly.
I planned to work all day in the office on that day, so I tied casual-colored tie to work in a bright mood.
In this situation, I chose a charcoal-brown chalk stripe suit and white plain dress shirt. And I tied a beige/yellow wool tie.
And, I wore brown cap-toe oxford shoes for my feet.
・あとがき/ Consideration
In gentlemen’s dress fashion, the fact that lighter colors are more casual than darker colors is described in “9. Judgment criteria for Dress or Casual” and other articles.
One of the tips to dress such a casual tie in a well-balanced and beautiful way is to combine the colors of the entire attire with casual colors.
This time, the suit and shoes of brown color were matched to the beige tie. Brown, like beige, is a casual color in gentlemen’s dress fashion.
If the suit I selected this time wasn’t brown, but a dress color like navy or gray, it would be necessary to adjust the casualness with other elements such as patterns and materials. So it would make more difficult to balance the whole attire.
Therefore, matching a casual-colored tie with a casual-colored suit, jacket, or shoes is a well-balanced and beautiful way to dress.
I think this is the easiest way, so please give it a try.
By the way, I still prefer an elegant style, even if sporty.
So I chose a dark-colored charcoal-brown suit, even if it was a casual brown-based suit. In addition, the shoes have a casual brown color, but the model is dressy cap-toe oxford, so it is not too casual to combine the suit.
In addition, the reason why I choose white for the shirt was mentioned in the article says “How to make a style in gentlemen’s dress styles: About effective use of white plain shirt”. The reason was to incorporate dressiness into the attire of casual suits such as brown suits, jackets and shoes.
For your reference.