3.正しい着こなしを実践する(トラウザーズ編)/Practice the correct wearing of classic clothing(Trousers)

  • パンツを美しく穿きこなすための2つのポイント


  • Two points for wearing trousers beautifully

There are two points to keep in mind to wear trousers beautifully. The first point is 「1.」to wear at the correct waist position, and the second point is 「2.」 to adjsut with the correct length.

  1. 正しいウエスト位置で穿く/ To wear at the correct waist position


The original classic trousers may be worn correctly by suspending them with braces (suspenders), but it seems to be a minor way in modern society.


It is true that the line (silhouette) of the trousers is more beautiful when suspended by braceys, and the waist is not tight. But at least it might be said that it tends to be seen as a special dress in the present age.


I actually used Braces, but I felt embarrassed when I take off the jacket at outside, and more than that, I had stiff shoulders. So, on this site, I introduce some tips on how to wear trousers with belts, which seems to be more common.


The first point is to wear trousers at the correct waist position. Although I mentioned it in the jacket part, the correct waist position of wearing it has been decided by the trousers designer. I think that the waist position assumed by the designer is most often the point where the waist is constricted.


If you wear trousers around your hips, your crotch will lower, which will make your legs look shorter, which has the disadvantage of not being beautiful, and may make your footwork worse (hard to walk).


Therefore, the correct waist position of the trousers where the silhouette is the most beautiful and feels comfortable to wear is the position where the waist is constricted, which is assumed by general trousers designers.


  1. パンツの裾はノークッションか、ハーフクッションで仕上げる/Finish trousers length with no cushion or half cushion


The second important point when wearing trousers beautifully is the position of the hem length of the trousers.


At the time of writing the article (2019), the hem width of the trousers on the market is about 18cm. When wearing trousers with such a hem width beautifully, it is the point to bring out beauty by finishing with no cushion or half cushion.


The no-cushion is the length of the trousers that does not touch the upper of the shoe when you wear it. By doing this, the crease and silhouette of the trousers will come out beautifully without breaking,You can feel beauty.


For more formal suits, it’s better to half cushion, that is, the length that the hem length of the trousers touches the instep of the shoe slightly when you wear it.


It is a personal feeling to the last, I recommend you to a half cushion if the trousers fabric with a solid thickness and heavy weight, or with a formal suit, highly dressed trousers, because the crease and silhouette will not collapse .


If the hem width of the trousers is around 20mm or more, it will not break the beauty even if one cushion is used. But the average height is 170cm, which is lower than that of Westerners and Japanese have a bigger face than them typicaly (include of me), I feel that thick trousers with wide hems do not fit us well.








