6.バランス感の定義 /The source of beauty as attire is a “harmony”.

As I have already stated, I think that “the attire that suits situation is a beautiful”. And I believe that the source of beauty as attire is a “harmony”.


“Balancing” means that there is “harmony” or “equilibrium”. ? What is the balance of the attire?


I think that there are various opinions, but I think that it is a beautiful state that “all the elements that make up attire are in harmony with each other.”


Specifically, the elements such as “color”, “pattern”, “material”, “combination”, and “tailoring (design, style, etc.)” must be harmony.



In other words, I think that it’s most beautiful as an attire to be in harmony between the “color”, “pattern”, “material”, “combination”, “tailoring” of the item selected and the “TPO (Situation)”.
