In this article, I would like to describe “the number of colors used” in the theme “How to use color in gentlemen’s dress style”.
When it comes to gentlemen’s dress styles, we often see the claim that “colors used should be no more than three”.
I basically agree with the rule that “in the gentlemen’s dress style, use no more than three colors”. Of course, the main premise is to say that it is not a profession that requires individuality in attire.
However, to be more precise, I have the following idea in myself.
1. ホワイトは色数にカウントしない/White does not count for color
2.グラデーションは1色とカウントする場合もある/ Gradients count as one color
Why do I take that idea! ? That is because, “restricting the colors used to three colors or less” is not a “purpose” but a “means”.
The goal is to make own business successful, like most businessmen do. That is why I want to impression such as “sincerity” and “cleanliness” in my attire. In other words, I understand that the means of achieving this “honesty” and “cleanliness” is “to use no more than three colors”.
Since the purpose is not to keep the number of colors used within 3 colors, I think it could be that using colors in a range that does not adversely affect the success of the business (does not cause discomfort or anxiety to the other party).
I believe that white is the best color to represents “honesty” and “cleanliness” based on my experience. So I think if adding white color and to be four colors will not break the honesty and cleanliness. In this way, my rule “1. White is not counted in the number of colors” was completed.
Also, the rule “2. Gradients count as one color” was completed for the same reason as above. For example, my sensibility and rules of thumb say that even if charcoal gray and medium, or light gray are not strictly counted as two colors, but counted as one color, they will not have an effect that will destroy “honesty ” or “cleanliness”.
The important thing is not the number of colors used in your attire, but whether you could dress up which make the intended impression to your business partners or customers.
Let’s build your own rules for the number of colors used in your attire, based on your industry, occupation, and position in your company.