8.装いにおいてバランスを整えるための4象限/ 4 quadrants when we make an attire in harmony.


The most important point in considering the harmony in attire is the four quadrants, which are the two axes of “Dress” and “Casual (Sports)”, and the two axes of “classic” and “mode”. Position “Dress” and “Casual (Sports)” on the horizontal axis (X axis) and “Classic” and “Mode” on the vertical axis (Y axis) to visualize the positioning of style in almost all attire.

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エレガントなリラックスウェアとしてのショールカラーカーディガン/ Shawl collar cardigan as elegant relax wear.

今日は「エレガントなリラックスウェアとしてのショールカラーカーディガン」と言うテーマを掲げて、「Style Book」コンテンツのカジュアル編の記事をお送りしたいと思います。

Today, I would like to write an article with the theme of “Shawl collar cardigan as elegant relax wear.”

And in this article, I consider about coexistence of elegance and relaxation, which seem to be contradictory elements.

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ポケットチーフの折り方(カスタム TVフォールド)/How to fold a pocket square(Custom Version TV Fold).


This article  explains how to fold the pocket square. Especially, I will explain the customized version of the TV fold which can be used from casual to business and formal scene.

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7.バランスの基準は歴史に学ぶ/The standards of a harmony learn from history.




However, you may have one question here. that is,

What is the criteria for determining whether or not attire is in harmony?

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6.バランス感の定義 /The source of beauty as attire is a “harmony”.

As I have already stated, I think that “the attire that suits situation is a beautiful”. And I believe that the source of beauty as attire is a “harmony”.

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グリーンカラーネクタイを使いこなす Vol.2/ How to use a green tie. Vol.2

今日は「グリーンカラーネクタイを使いこなす Vol.2」と言うテーマを掲げて、「Style Book」コンテンツのドレス編の記事をお送りしたいと思います。

Today, I would like to write an article with the theme of “How to use a green tie Vol.2”. And in this article, I consider about the way of using a green tie beautifully from the perspective of the color and materials.

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5.「美しい」を定義する:バランス感/“A sense of balance(a harmony)” is the most important things to wear clothes beautifully.

  • バランス感


  • A sense of balance(≈a harmony)

An attire which based on the premise that it is suitable for TPO(Situation), I think that the balance is the key to dress beautifully.
※In English, the word “a harmony” may be easier to understand what I want to say, than “a sense of balance”.

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4.「美しい」を定義する:TPO/Define “beautiful”:Choosing the right clothes based on the situation

  • TPO(Time-Place-Occasion)


  • TPO(≈Situation)

I would like to introduce the definition of “beautiful” of my concept of “dressing beautifully”. First of all, what I think is most important is whether or not it is suitable for TPO.

※TPO means something similar to dress code. I use it in the sense of choosing the right clothes based on the situation(Time-Place-Occasion)we’re in.

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