5.装いの編集例/ Editing example of attire


In this category called “Editing”, thinking about the attire (coordination) of the day regard as “editing,” and the methods of dressing have been described in the following three steps.

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タートルネック×ダブルブレステッドスーツのスタイリング/ How to coordinate the turtleneck and double-breasted suit in elegance.

今日は「タートルネック×ダブルブレステッドスーツのスタイリング」と言うテーマを掲げて、「Style Book」コンテンツのカジュアル編の記事をお送りしたいと思います。

Today, I would like to write an article with the theme of “Styling of turtleneck and double-breasted suit.” And in this article, I consider how to coordinate the turtleneck and double-breasted suit in elegance.

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3.装いのステップ2:装いのドレス度を決める/ Dressing step 2: Determine the dress level of the attire


The next step is to determine the dress level of the attire after checking the restrictions on the attire such as TPO (situation), season and weather.

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2.装いのステップ1:志向(思考)を持つ/ Dressing Step 1: Have a will(Thought)


The first thing you need to do in “dressing up” is to have your own “Constant Will”. To be specific, it is the first step in dressing up to have your own will, such as “How do you want to be?”, or “How do you want to be perceived by others?”

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1.装いとは編集である/ Dressing is editing


I have the idea that “dressing is editing”. In this category of “Editing”, I think that the dressing (coordination) of the day as “editing” and explain the steps and methods of dressing.

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9.ドレスかカジュアルか?の判断基準/Judgment criteria for Dress or Casual.

①ドレスかカジュアルか?の判断基準/Judgment criteria for Dress or Casual.


Here are the criteria for “dress” or “casual” that I believe particularly important for beautiful attire.

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